Apple Wallpapers Mac

Apple Wallpapers Mac
Apple Wallpapers Mac

Apple has managed to make up lost ground to Microsoft since the release of personal computers (PC) back in the mid 80s. In the early 80s, one of Apple's geeks decided to leave the company and started his own. The geek that left was Bill Gates. Bill Gates believed in open technology, allowing his computer systems to be compatible with programs developed by third party vendors. That gave way to the technology revolution that has shaken up the world since the beginning of the 90s when the Internet was first released for public consumption. As PCs users rose by the millions, Apple just watched from the corners unable to stop the rise of a giant by the name of Microsoft.

Apple Wallpapers Mac

It's now 2009 and although Microsoft still dominates the personal computer markets, Apple has managed to become relevant again. Apple is now the synonymous of stylish, reliability and coolness.

Apple Wallpapers Mac

Apple Wallpapers Mac

Apple Wallpapers Mac

Apple Wallpapers Mac

Apple Wallpapers Mac

Apple Wallpapers Mac

Apple Wallpapers Mac

Apple Wallpapers Mac
Apple Wallpapers Mac


  1. Bill Gates never worked FOR Apple, although he did work WITH them. BTW Gates didn't believe in open standards. He believed in selling the most OS's to as many vendors as possible and pitting them against each other. He sold arms to all sides and then sat back and watched the aftermath. If it wasn't for Apple and them introducing the WYSIWYG GUI interface, your computer would probably still be a command-line entry system.

  2. Silly... Apple stole WIMP (Windows, Icons, Mouse & Pointer (NOT WYSIWYG) from Xerox... everybody steals, stop being such a Apple fan-boy.. if you wanna get technical, if it weren't for Mr gates apple wouldn't exists at all.. period.


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